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Personal Portfolio

I’ve put together a selection of my most recent and memorable work. I’m proud of each and every piece writing, editing, copy-editing, photography, and audio-visual portfolio, and hope you will enjoy experiencing them as much as I enjoyed creating them. For any inquiries, please get in touch.

This is carefully curated selection of my latest and most influential non-fiction pieces. They include memoir, opinion articles,  news articles, feature writing, peer reviewed writing, reports and assessments etc. for print and online publications. 

Image by Philippe Oursel

 This is a carefully curated selection of my latest and most influential Environmental Compliance  writing. These include Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements about various Federal actions that will have any human health or environmental effects.

Black and White Pattern

This is carefully curated selection of my latest and most influential poetry pieces. I share my free-verse poetry on social media (IG: @bostezodeluz) to more than 555 followers. 

Image by Hulki Okan Tabak

This is carefully curated selection of my latest and most influential audio-visual pieces. They include documentaries, personal vlog about Latin American Literature, visual journalism among other digital creations.

Black Marble
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