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We all yawn. When you yawn, I yawn.


It is a curious physiological phenomenon and social behavior. The fact is that this five second act is everywhere and there are a BUNCH of theories that try to explain its cause and effect.


By yawning, we unleash an immense burst of VERY COOL neural activities. We release dopamine, opioid peptides, oxytocin, and serotonin. We also stimulate parts of the brain like the precuneus. But what difference does it make? Well, all this is linked to pleasure, euphoria, happiness, compassion, the ability to reduce pain and anxiety and the most incredible of them: the expansion of self-awareness. Yawning is like you're doing a mini meditation and involuntary recharge. WHO KNEW?


Yawning can also be seen as boredom or tiredness; it can even be associated with the devil WHAT? Why do you think your mom told you to cover your mouth when you let go one of those rude yawns at the family reunion? I swore it was so that your lymph nodes didn’t show, but it seems it was so the devil didn’t possess you. CREEPY. I better keep covering my mouth just in case. 


The thing is that there are several theories, explanations and connotations linked to this simple act, but the nicest is that yawns have an empathic origin and are mysteriously contagious. Yawns remind us of our shared and unshared experiences, and that is enough for me as a cause and effect.


With all this, I present to you BOSTEZO (yawn in Spanish), a creative space for generating content where the rudest and/or most dignifying yawns in the creative world are expressed. Here you will find poetry, photography, art, literature and other things. By seeing, reading, being and hearing something from this page, you will be able to land all the benefits these silent screams can give when scrolling through social media.


Now tell me, how many yawns did you let go when reading this text?


All peace and love,


Let’s Work Together

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