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  • Writer's pictureLuciana Paz

Super Solid Choices: Spotify Wrapped

The yearly feature Spotify Wrapped is now live on the music stream app and is an instant stroll down memory lane.

“Take a look at how you listened. Because no else listened exactly like you,” said the first page of the feature on my phone screen. This line instantly grabbed  my attention. Here was a company really playing the personalized marketing card–and it was really working.

How many times has spotify brought you back to that place, that moment, that person or feeling? Or not even brought you back but made you live that moment? Music really is personal and as 2018 ends, Spotify has made an interactive experience for the average music listener to go back and relive or re-listen the music they streamed over the year. What a great way to make someone feel special among the 83 million paying subscribers worldwide.

Spotify Wrapped will tell you what artists you started listening to at the beginning of the year, as well at the new artists you discovered. It lets you guess how many minutes you spent listening this year. To my surprise, I spent 59,849 minutes of my time with either a speaker or headphones banging my favorite tunes, it really has made life feel like it has a soundtrack.

Not only does Spotify make you feel in the clouds but  also takes you back to reality with hard facts and stats such as the time you’ve spent listening to music compared to  past years. It  tells you how many hour you’ve spent specifically listening to your favorite artist, your most-played songs,  top genres, and even creates a playlist of your top 100 songs. It was entertaining to  see that my top artist was “Study Music and Sounds,” I guess I had a rough junior year.

To make it even more personalized and  connect the user to others, Spotify included how many other people were listening to the same type of genre as you. It allows you to feel part of a community where you know there are others out there listening to what you like. It also  makes you feel like an individual because no one has listened to the same combination of songs or artists as you, nor have they listened the same amount of time to your favorites. Spotify has created a platform for artists and listeners to connect through the one thing that is like no other–music.

However, Spotify and its feature is not all about music, in between your music choices, it tells you the podcasts you’ve tuned into along a ranking of your favorite ones. Additionally, to leave you on a good note, Spotify gives you a playlist called “Tastebreakers” to start of 2019, which includes genres and artist that you don’t normally explore, but they think you will enjoy.

As we live in this social media world and Spotify  also gives the user the opportunity to share some facts about their experience to Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Leaving a user like me with an convincing argument, “If you listen to a year’s worth of amazing music and don’t post about it, did it really happen?” I quickly posted my results for others to see.

This feature has appealed to the public in a personal way but has allowed the artist from their point of view to analyze which of their songs were most popular by month and learn about the total hours of music were streamed by fans among other features. Ultimately,  given the company some nice free advertising in the process.

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