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  • Writer's pictureLuciana Paz

From: The Forest

Updated: Nov 6, 2022

This video show cases the story of the My Rainforest My World (MRMW) project in the National Park of Ranomafana, Madagascar. Project Manager, Lovasoa Razafindravony, explains that the people from the forest live very close to the forest and their identity and history is linked to it. Because of this linkage, there is a dependence which is affecting the biodiversity of the forest by deforestation through agricultural practices and ultimately directly affecting the individual’s life, Razafindravony added. This is the third year MRMW, an after school program for 4th graders to learn about their environment and its protection, is running. On May 29th, 2018 Center Valbio’s (CVB) education team, who this project, visited three first year collaborating villages: Ambohimisafikely, Fotsialanana and Anosy (see full article here
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